PRO TIP: Gottlieb Sound Boards
If your Gottlieb sound board has this satellite board on it you may need to remove and reheat the pins underneath. Read more on how this is done.
If your Gottlieb sound board has this satellite board on it you may need to remove and reheat the pins underneath. Read more on how this is done.
This Williams F-14 Tomcat has two garbled and low callouts while all other sounds were good. Read more to see video and find out what the problem was.
Here’s a sound problem I ran into with a logic board swap into a Sega South Park pinball machine and a tip to avoid the problems I had.
Game Plan pinball connectors are definitely a weak link. Check them whenever your troubleshooting problems on your game first before digging deeper into a problem.
So I’m tasked with getting a Squawk and Talk board working for a Bally Fireball 2….
Here’s another Jacks to Open Pinball repair for ya. This time the sound board was jerking…